
The Bomb That Baby Boomers Set Off

       The Bomb That Baby Boomers Set-Off  As you all know the second world war ended on September 2nd leaving many heartbroken and grieving. Many did not return home but most of those who did return got married soon after the war. Now as you can imagine after they got married they had children. What I find sad is that these children born to war heros, nurses, and many other amazing people are now the baby boomers that make up our main elderly population today. The baby boomers were raised in a healing world that was rapidly advancing. They were raised in arguably the best era, in the 60's they had barbie dolls, Woodstock, and the Beatles, in the '70s they had chopper bikes, JAWS, and star wars, in the 80's they had walkmans, Rubix cubes, and ghetto blasters. Throughout their childhood, they had the chance to start fresh they were handed a clean slate to draw whatever they wanted but instead of working hard to rebuild the healing broken world they were raised in they pu

How to Press Rewind

                                          Hello, my name is Amy Rainy Willis. I know that I haven't written about the ocean in a while due to other assignments at the time. However today I am not going to be discussing the ocean's problems but what I would do (given the money) to fix them. As most of you know from my previous posts I am focusing on plastic pollution in the ocean. This is a huge problem that kills 100 million marine animals per year! So here's how I would fix it.                    As mentioned in one of my previous blog posts I am a huge fan of a new invention called the Interceptor. It is a 600-meter long floating tube designed to filter the water and collect any filtered trash. The first model was launched in September 2019 by a nonprofit Dutch company called The Ocean Cleanup. The reason why I love this so much is that this invention gives humans a chance to basically press rewind (to a small extent) and this could just be the start of emptying our ocean

Don't Overlook the Outlets

                          Hello, my name is Amy Rainy Willis. Today I am going to be expressing my opinion on an ongoing energy production issue. Having "electricity access" in the words of the IEA is a household that is able to afford 4 lightbulb working for 5 hours a day 1 refrigerator a fan operating 6 hours per day, a mobile phone charger, and a TV operating for 4 hours a day. When all of this is added up in a year this "average family" uses 1,250 kWh per household including standard appliances. So in other words, if you use 1,250 kWh annually or more you are considered having "access" t o electricity.                          Right now an average American household has 4-5 people in it. This means that electricity access is "gained" when one person uses 280 kWh per year. Unfortunately, this interpretation is quite insufficient. For instance, World Bank data puts the average electricity use per person at nearly 13,000 kWh per year. So in othe

The Study of the Universe

                                                                      Kepler 186f                                                                           Task: 1                         Kepler 186f is an exoplanet that orbits around Kepler 186 (red dwarf). Kepler 186f is about 500 light-years from earth. This is the first planet with a similar radius to Earth's found. Kepler 186f is in a habitable zone. This means that it is far away enough from the star that it is orbiting for water to pool on the surface much like earth. While other planets have been found in habitable zones they are all at least 40% larger than earth making it difficult for further research to be done on them. Kepler 186f is almost the same size as earth and though not much is yet known about its surface scientists have speculated that it is most likely rocky. Kepler 186f is in the Kepler 186 system which is in the constellation Cygnus about 500 light-years away from earth. This system also homes four other co

Chris Hadfield

          Hello, my name is Rainy Willis. Today I am going to be telling you about the astronaut of my choice. His name is Chris Hadfield and he has always been my personal favorite. This is the shorter version of his story; from how he came from a humble corn farmer to a famous astronaut.                    Chris was born on August 29, 1959, to a humble corn farmer and his wife. He attended Milton District high school in 1977, he continued on to get a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering (with honors). Then he attended the royal military college in Kingston in 1982 as well as conducting post-graduate research at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He went on to revive a master of science in aviation systems at the University of Tennessee in 1992 that same year he was chosen to become one of the four new Canadian astronauts out of 5,330 applicants!                    You're' probably scratching your head right now thinking why in the world is she talking about spac

Welcoming Emilie

                                    Hello, my name is Rainy Willis and today I am going to be introducing Emilie. Emilie is the person that I chose to help me with my environmental issue which is plastic pollution in the ocean. Emilie is and has been a great help to me in helping me with my issue. She is apart of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup so she is helping out lots on the beach cleaning up all of the garbage left there. She has also done a few tests studying and observing how the pollution levels in the water affect the fish and their behavior.                     Emilie studies and helps with the problem of pollution as I mentioned before she was and still is helping to keep the beaching near her clean and pollution-free. She has also studied something called sound pollution. Sound pollution is in places where there is lots of boat traffic. It is harmful to fish and other animals because the amount of sound causes them to be very stressed and it can also make it harder for

The Colours of Science

                      Hello, my name is Rainy Willis. Today I hit that point in my school that I knew was coming but I was hoping to put off. The periodic table of elements is something that has always intimidated me with all of the specific colours and numbers and letters just look like a very confusing lesson. Anyhow today I was re-reading through all of the periodic elements and recapping what they all are. So today I am going to be figuring out which elements are in or helping with my main environmental issue.               The periodic table is going to help me be able to more accurately identify different objects or things such as air's different components that I wouldn't have looked at this closely before. So far I have been able to break down quite a few different things in the eco-system that I have been studying and it has been quite successful. The first thing that automatically came to mind was that hydrogen was basically water and I also remembered what I read abo