The Bomb That Baby Boomers Set Off

       The Bomb That Baby Boomers Set-Off 

As you all know the second world war ended on September 2nd leaving many heartbroken and grieving. Many did not return home but most of those who did return got married soon after the war. Now as you can imagine after they got married they had children. What I find sad is that these children born to war heros, nurses, and many other amazing people are now the baby boomers that make up our main elderly population today.

The baby boomers were raised in a healing world that was rapidly advancing. They were raised in arguably the best era, in the 60's they had barbie dolls, Woodstock, and the Beatles, in the '70s they had chopper bikes, JAWS, and star wars, in the 80's they had walkmans, Rubix cubes, and ghetto blasters. Throughout their childhood, they had the chance to start fresh they were handed a clean slate to draw whatever they wanted but instead of working hard to rebuild the healing broken world they were raised in they put down the slate and instead depended themselves on the people around them who worked hard and fought for everything around them. These children that were supposed to be a new hope had instead erased all hope. 

So after living their child and teen years out in wealth and advancements they had to start families of their own. Once again they had children these kids are now known as Gen X and Gen Y (Millenials). These children were not handed the clean slate like their parents, they were handed a scribbled on slate with silly ideas that would only benefit the baby boomers themselves and distract future generations to come. According to, most baby boomers watched over 12,000 hours of tv before they turned 16! They also invented personal computers (laptops) so that they could always have a screen at their house for themselves,  also making loopholes for themselves making things easier for them such as pensions, and divorce, as well as the excuse that TV made them feel more connected to the outside when actually all TV did and still does, is separate you from the outside. 

Gen X and Millenials were now the next hope everyone was holding their breath while they waited to see what they would do. Well, what did they do? They took hold of that slate and erased whatever they could, then they took the chalk and drew out their own plans and ideas look at Nick Mcgill and Niko Vladimirov they invented a weight relieving exoskeleton arm for people working in warehouses and for the elderly who can't lift as much, then there is the Skipping Rocks Lab who invented the Ooho designed to eliminate plastic water bottles by encasing the water in a seaweed extract that is completely edible, and my all-time favorite Boyan Slat born 1994 the CEO of ocean cleanup with help from his team designed the interceptor an invention created to filter out plastic from the ocean and give endangered ocean species another chance. 

There are so many more amazing inventions out there designed to correct the mistakes made in the past. We will never be able to fully erase the mistakes of our parents and grandparents but we can start fresh and help to further heal this world. 
