How to Press Rewind


                 Hello, my name is Amy Rainy Willis. I know that I haven't written about the ocean in a while due to other assignments at the time. However today I am not going to be discussing the ocean's problems but what I would do (given the money) to fix them. As most of you know from my previous posts I am focusing on plastic pollution in the ocean. This is a huge problem that kills 100 million marine animals per year! So here's how I would fix it.

                As mentioned in one of my previous blog posts I am a huge fan of a new invention called the Interceptor. It is a 600-meter long floating tube designed to filter the water and collect any filtered trash. The first model was launched in September 2019 by a nonprofit Dutch company called The Ocean Cleanup. The reason why I love this so much is that this invention gives humans a chance to basically press rewind (to a small extent) and this could just be the start of emptying our oceans of plastic. I think that the production of more of these Interceptors would make a dramatic change to the ocean right now. 

               The risks of plastic are becoming more and more well known. People are starting to realize what is happening to the oceans and why we need to fix it. I think that if the decision was made to produce more Interceptors then there would be many people backing that up...why? Because we want to change. Humans are always looking for change we always want something better for us. The plain truth is that the human race isn't just trying to survive anymore but it is selfish and in doing so we have successfully started destroying once-thriving eco-systems that never wanted anything more than to live. Now that we are all quite aware of what our actions have caused people have already started taking action. Look at all of the organizations out there supporting marine life, The Ocean Cleanup, The Ocean Agency, World Animal Protection, and Oceana Canada just to name a few supporters. Even if we got just these 4 big names on our side to get the ball rolling people would automatically join in. 

               With multiple Interceptors in place around the world, it would still take an immense amount of physical effort to get the ocean back on track again. Even once the Interceptors are in place they would only be taking care of a small percent of the problem. We would still be left with the plastic that the Interceptors filtered out of the ocean and the excess waste still on land. However with the Interceptors in place, the ocean would definitely have much better odds. Yes, there would still be plastic in the ocean but it would be a lot less than before, and with less plastic hopefully, there will be less being consumed by animals (and us) which in turn should put fertility rates back up making the ocean thrive once more!
