The Impact of Science


                Hello Everyone, my name is Rainy Willis I live in Ontario, Canada and I just recently started a new science high school course with an amazing program called ILC. Over the course of the rest of this blog, I was supposed to choose a certain environmental issue to break down, study, and try and fix. So right away I thought of the ocean. At first, I was just going to be studying the problem with garbage entering the ocean. However, I decided to take a closer look than that and so eventually the idea evolved into the idea of plastic. So in the end I chose to study plastic and the damage that it is causing to the environment around us not just in the ocean but in several different eco-systems.

            How does Science impact my daily life? Well, Science as a whole is not something that I find very fun or fascinating however when science is broken down into different parts I definitely enjoy it a lot more. For example, I love the study of all sorts of animals and the environment that they live in. Since I love animals so much it naturally intrigues me and I generally like studying things that intrigue me so all of the animals that I encounter in my day to day life I try to know something about. As of now, I have been studying fish for fun. I have an aquarium so I like studying the fish and not just the ones in my tank but all sorts of different fish and each one's habitat, special abilities, and disadvantages. I have also been enjoying learning about water and gases and the different forms water can take and at what point certain things start to change. I think science as a whole is definitely important but this is how science impacts my daily life.

            Would I consider a career in science? Well if you consider a veterinary doctor as a scientist then yes. Once again animals are tying in! I would have to study animal anatomy and biology before becoming a veterinarian. I would not consider a direct career in science. However, for my career path, I would have to study science at some point. I do not just want to be a veterinarian I love the idea of being a traveling vet/missionary and then settling down having a hobby farm and rescuing animals but veterinary work will definitely tie in there.


  1. Hi Rainy,
    Think looking into how plastic effects various ecosystems is interesting. I look forward to reading what you found out.
    I'd consider a career as a veterinary doctor one in the sciences. If you'd ever like to talk to a registered veterinary tech let me know.
    Really interesting read~thanks for sharing!


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