
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Diversity and Sustainability of an EcoSystem

                     Hello Everyone, my name is Rainy Willis and I am going to be talking about the diversity and sustainability of an ecosystem. First of all, let me explain what those words mean. Well, diversity is as the word says a diverse habitat. For example, if there is a field of wildflowers and only one species of bees, one species of bee isn't enough to pollinate all of the different types of flowers That would be an example of low species diversity because there aren't many opportunities for the habitat to grow and diversify. There wouldn't be enough species to do all of the different jobs that needed to get done. Sustainability-as intimidating as the word may sound-is actually quite a simple term that means: an ecosystem is able to support itself.                Now I would like to talk a bit more about diversity. First, there is genetic diversity which is sort of like a built-in ecosystem vaccine. Let's take the elm tree, for example; the D.utch E.lm D.isea